Are you inspired to create but keep getting stuck?
I can help.

I help busy, blocked and uninspired women believe in themselves as creative beings so they can experience the joy and fulfillment of creative expression.
We use the transformative power of creative play and Intentional Creativity® to uncover limiting beliefs and shift your mindset so that you stop getting in your own way and start having fun being creative.
I offer 1:1 coaching, self study classes, workshops and group programs to support you to live your creative life. Read on to learn more about my offerings or contact me to explore working together 1:1.
” I would recommend working with Elizabeth to anyone struggling with believing they can be creative. Elizabeth is honest, authentic, and down to earth. Her realness helps people feel comfortable trying new things.”
-Sarah Joyce Bryant
What is Intentional Creativity?
Intentional Creativity is a mindful and deliberate approach to creativity that emphasizes the process of creation as much as the end result.
The focus is on exploring and expressing one’s own inner world through the creative process, rather than simply trying to produce a particular outcome.
Intentional Creativity is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. I am a certified Intentional Creativity teacher and a member of the Intentional Creativity Guild.

“Elizabeth did a superb job of providing a lovely, supportive environment to dig deeply and create beautifully. As a result of this experience I am excited and anxious to try more. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time!"
-Carla Taylor

What is Cosmic Smash Booking?
Cosmic Smash Booking is an Intentional Creativity approach to Mixed Media Art Journaling. It is a process that allows us to explore our thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a visually expressive way.
My favorite things about Cosmic Smash Booking is there are no rules! In a Cosmic Smash Book you can be free to play and explore without the pressure to get it right or make something pretty.
Cosmic Smash Booking is a powerful tool for getting in touch with our intuition, for busting out of perfectionism and giving ourselves permission to follow our heart and create for the pure joy of it.
"Cosmic smash book all the way! I'd never really used or made one before but I love how it feels in my hands and how the page is already alive before I've even started creating.
I love all things mixed media and collage so this suits me really well.
Your sessions really have led me to really accept that creating is just a part of who I am. I am feeling at peace with myself for the first time in a long time!!"
-Gemma Farrant
New? Start here.

Discover what’s really getting in the way of starting and sticking with your creative practice in this 4 part workshop series. We’ll explore the true value of being creative outside of the need to create something pretty to share or show to others. These workshops will lay the foundation to build a creative life.
.Want support to start a creative practice?

If you’ve been wanting to make art but haven’t been able to get going on your own join me for Daily Devotions – a self paced art journaling program tailored to help you start and stick with a consistent creative practice – even if you’ve never had one before, feel like you are too busy or don’t have any clue what to create.
Ready to make creativity a priority in your life?

Are you ready to make creativity a non-negotiable priority in your life? Would you love to confidently say, “I am an artist?” My signature mentorship program, Unlock Your Creative Super Power helps women go from thinking about creating to maintaining a consistent creative practice and feeling confident expressing their personal style

” As a result of my work with Elizabeth several beliefs that I am working to let go of shifted and lost power over me. Elizabeth is a very genuine & connected teacher. Her warmth put me at ease and her skills guided me through a beautiful process! “
-Jenifer Neel
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