Do you long to be more creative but keep getting stopped by a strong internal critic?  Are you feeling discouraged by a voice inside telling you that you aren’t a “real” artist or that you aren’t talented enough?

It’s common for our own internal dialogue to hold us back from being creative.  We get caught up in trying to get it right or make something others will like and forget to have fun and enjoy the creative process.  It’s easy to get trapped in the “I’m not good enough loop” and rob ourselves of the joy of creativity.  

If this sounds like you then join me for the Creative Awakenings: Mindset Workshop  where we’re going to transform that negative self talk into a positive mindset that supports you to be creative and have fun while doing it!

During this 3 hour hands on workshop you will…

➦ Use expressive arts processes to get underneath the voices in your head that tell you you aren’t talented or creative enough so that they don’t stop you from creating anymore.

➦ Connect deeply with your intuition to get in touch with the part of you that knows that you are creative and your unique creative expression is valuable.

➦ Lose yourself in the joy of creative play as you learn to create from “I wonder what would happen if?” instead of from “I can’t” or “I’m not good enough”.


Tuesday, August 29th
9am PT | 12pm ET

Workshop is 3 hours. Recordings will be available.  You do not have to attend live.


Join us for $27

“Elizabeth’s workshop was a catalyst to kick start my creativity. Her examples guide us how to limit negative thoughts and focus on positive actions."
-E. Graham

Let’s go on a creative adventure together to reconnect with the part of you that loves to scribble with crayons, play with colors and isn’t afraid to make mistakes.


➦You’ll walk away with powerful personal affirmations that will support you to build belief and confidence in your creative expression.

➦You’ll uncover and release limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the creative life you dream of.

➦You’ll gain lifelong tools to quiet the voice of the inner critic and reconnect with creative joy.

“As a result of working with Elizabeth a lot has shifted. I have embraced messy and let go of the need to create “perfect pages”.

This is for you if…

You feel crippled by perfectionism and your self doubt robs you of the joy of creating.

You want to be more creative, but you don’t feel talented or experienced enough.

Your tendency to overthink and over complicate stops you from starting and finishing creative projects.

“The session confirmed that I judge what I do too harshly, expecting a perfect product, instead of enjoying the process. By extension, I fear the judgment of other people. Quite a BIG take away!”

Here’s what you’ll experience during the Creative Awakening Workshop Series Part 1: Vision…. 

Intuitive journaling prompts to get in touch with you own Inner Wisdom – that part of you that already knows. 

A safe, supportive community of heart centered creatives that encourage and celebrate each individuals unique creative gifts.

A fun-filled afternoon getting lost in the moment of creative play beyond judgment and the voice of the critic.  This is art anyone can do!!!


During the Creative Awakening Mindset Workshop we’re going to use Intentional Creativity processes to quiet the voice of our inner critic and strengthen the voice of our inner cheerleader.  During this workshop we’ll remove the pressure to create something good enough and explore creating for the joy of creating.

Intentional Creativity is a mindful and deliberate approach to creativity that emphasizes the process of creation as much as the end result.  The focus is on exploring and expressing one’s own inner world through the creative process, rather than simply trying to produce a particular outcome.  Intentional Creativity is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.


"I have been plagued with feelings of pointlessness. Why bother continuing to create if it wasn’t going to be sold, or shown? Your Workshop has given me a reason I need to continue creating. If I am my best self because I create, I can be my best self for those around me. What a great reason to continue showing up in the studio.”
-D. Wallace

"Through Elizabeth's easily accessible processes I am taking myself so much less seriously now as far as how things look...and so much more seriously as far as the deeper, essential need to be creative no matter what.”
-M. Saunders


Do I need any special art supplies for the event?

We’ll be playing with a variety of coloring goodies like crayons and markers as well as some paint.  This workshop isn’t like other workshops where you’ll be making exactly what the instructor is making and you need the exact supplies.  If you have some paper to work on, some coloring goodies and some paints you probably have everything you need.  You’ll receive a list of suggested materials, including possible modifications when you register.

Do I need to be an artist to do this?

No!  This workshop is designed to be accessible to people who are just beginning to explore visual creativity.  You don’t need any skills or special talent to do it, just an open mind and a willingness to play.

What if I can’t attend the live sessions?

There will be a recording provided within 24 hours.  Recordings are downloadable so that you can keep them and watch them whenever.

Not sure if this right for you?  Have more questions?

I’m happy to support you!  Just email me at

Tuesday, August 29th
9am PT | 12pm ET

Workshop is 3 hours.  Recordings will be available.  You do not have to attend live.

Join us for $27

Meet your Guide, Artist Elizabeth Foley

Elizabeth Foley is a painter, poet and creativity coach.  She helps women experience the joy of creativity and overcome their creative blocks with online and in person workshops, retreats and one on one coaching. 

Elizabeth studied fine art and ceramics at The University of Oregon and is a certified Intentional Creativity® teacher and Cosmic Smash Book Guide. Elizabeth knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, tired and uninspired and still show up for her creative practice. 

Elizabeth lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, NC with her 12 year old son and 95 pound German Shepard.  When she isn’t busy creating something you’ll find her foraging for wild mushrooms or singing in community song circles.

“Elizabeth’s sessions were a catalyst to kick start my creativity. I always feel like I have accomplished something after finishing one of her examples.”
-E. Graham