Does being creative light you up? Do you feel happy, whole and relaxed when you lose yourself in the creative process?


Yet despite how much you love creating you find that life keeps getting in the way.  Instead of feeling the joy of creativity you find yourself feeling withdrawn, scattered, flat.  It is possible to be creative even when you are tired, overwhelmed or uninspired.   


If you are ready to have a consistent creative practice, to finish what you start and to express your emotions through creativity then the Soul Oxygen Virtual Retreat is perfect for you!

During this fun, interactive, immersive retreat experience we’ll be journaling, painting, doodling, scribbling and going on a deep inner journey.  We’ll do some serious personal growth through the magic of creative play.


➦You’ll learn your own personal formula to get you out of procrastination and perfectionism and into creative movement and momentum.


➦You’ll get in touch with your unique creative gifts (yes we all have them) and what it takes for you to stay committed to your creative practice when you feel overwhelmed and uninspired.


You’ll discover your Soul Oxygen – the thing that makes creativity a permanent priority in your life – just like breathing.

Soul Oxygen is happening March 16th & 17th

Also available via recording

Join now for $197

Here's what you'll experience during the retreat...

Journaling prompts and powerful guided visualizations to get in touch with you own Inner Wisdom – that part of you that already knows. 


A safe, supportive community of heart centered creatives that encourage and celebrate each individuals unique creative gifts.


A fun-filled weekend getting lost in the moment of creative play beyond judgment and the voice of the critic.  This is art anyone can do!!!



A feeling of purpose and accomplishment as you fill your Cosmic Smash Book with a variety of finished pages filled with profound insight and inspiration.

This is for you if: 

You want to have a consistent creative practice but life keeps getting in the way.


You are just beginning to explore visual arts and would love to believe in the value of what you create. This is creativity for everyone regardless of skills, experience, or access to fancy supplies.


You create regularly and want to spend a fun weekend filled with creativity, connection and deeply nourishing creative self-care.

Retreat Registration includes…


➦ 2 days of guided creativity workshops in a virtual retreat setting.


➦ Connection with a supportive, encouraging group of like minded creatives from around the world.


➦ Instant Access to a step-by-step workshop to create a special kind of mixed media art journal called a Cosmic Smash Book.  A Cosmic Smash Book is a place to connect with your intuition and express your emotions as you give yourself permission to make art without the need to “get it right” or make it perfect.


What's a Cosmic Smash Book?


Cosmic Smash Booking is an Intentional Creativity approach to Mixed Media Art Journaling. It is a process that allows you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a visually expressive way.  

In Cosmic Smash Booking there are no rules and you can be free to play and explore without the pressure to get it right.  You don’t have to do Soul Oxygen in a Cosmic Smash Book but you can…and it’s a lot of fun.  

To create a Cosmic Smash Book we use simple supplies – a composition book or other paper journal, glue sticks and whatever your favorite coloring/painting goodies are.  You don’t need anything fancy or to have any special skills to do this.

A video workshop to create your own Cosmic Smash Book is included when you sign up.  If you prefer not to create a Cosmic Smash Book you can do Soul Oxygen on your preferred paper.  

Soul Oxygen is happening March 16th & 17th

Also available via recording

Join now for $197

Here's what other's have to say...

"Elizabeth's classes are ALWAYS so inspirational...easy and deep at the same”
-Karen Stover

"Through Elizabeth's easily accessible processes I am taking myself so much less seriously now as far as how things look...and so much more seriously as far as the deeper, essential need to be creative no matter what.”
-Mary Saunders

"Elizabeth's Retreat was just amazing - hanging out with ladies sharing and laughing and my Cosmic Smash Book came out pretty amazing!"
-Julianne Taylor

“I have embraced MESSY since I recently learned how to make a Cosmic Smash Book and let go of the need to create 'perfect pages'.

I continued in that vein in this class and was able to really PLAY!  I experimented with tools I bought years ago and never used."

"It's astounding how connected I feel to everybody even though we are on Zoom. A huge aha moment for me was realizing that I'm never really alone."
-Rachel B.

"I would recommend working with Elizabeth to anyone struggling with believing they can be creative.  Elizabeth is honest, authentic and down to earth.  Her realness helps people feel comfortable trying new things."
-Sarah B.


What supplies do I need?

This retreat is designed for you to use what you have.  If you have some paper, glue, and coloring goodies you’ll have everything you need.  This is the perfect chance to use the supplies that have been collecting dust or steal the crayons from your kids.   Once you register you’ll receive suggestions for the materials that you may want to have.


I’m not an experienced/skilled artist can I do this?

Yes!  We’ll be using simple techniques that are more focused on the process than the finished product.  If you’ve been wanting to tap into your creativity this is a perfect place to start.


What‘s the schedule for the retreat?

Saturday March 16th  9-1 Pacific | 12-4 Eastern | 6-10 CET

Sunday March 17th    9-1 Pacific | 12-4 Eastern | 6-10 CET


Isn’t that a lot of time to spend on screens?

We won’t be looking at the screen – we’ll be creating!  There will be music and it will be lots of fun.  There will be space to take breaks as well.


What if I can’t attend all the live sessions?

No problem.  All the sessions will be recorded and available to watch at your own pace.  You’ll have downloadable access to watch at your own pace.

Soul Oxygen is happening March 16th & 17th.

Or via recording 

Join us for $197

Don’t wait – Doors Close March 12th

Meet your guide Artist, Elizabeth Foley

Elizabeth Foley is a painter, poet and creativity coach.  She helps women experience the joy of creativity and overcome their creative blocks with online and in person workshops, retreats and one on one coaching.


Elizabeth studied fine art and ceramics at The University of Oregon and is a certified Intentional Creativity Teacher and Cosmic Smash Book Guide.


Elizabeth knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, tired and uninspired and still show up for her creative practice.  She’s a single mom, avid outdoors enthusiast and successful Artrepreneur.